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I love people in love!

I don’t talk about it often but one of my favorite things about my work at the Collective is my first meeting with the lovebirds that we’ll be playing for. Their excitement and enthusiasm is so contagious. After each meeting, I leave with the feeling that THEIR wedding will be the best day of MY life. My clients always renew my capacity to feel wonderstruck and I think that is pretty fabulous!

A few months ago, I was with Sophie and Maxence. They told me all about their winter-themed wedding in Old-Quebec. They wanted it to be a big celebration for all of their loved ones. We were talking about a treasure hunt throughout the city (with a soup bar to warm up on the way back!), a guided tour of their wedding space, a buffet rather than table service (to encourage exchanges between the guests) and end-of-the-night karaoke. Those are just a few of the ideas that struck me. Those two definitely deserve a mention for their mix of super relaxed behavior and rigorous planning!

They will celebrate their union in a few days and yes, I’ll be moved and will most likely cry a few tears of joy while I watch them shine with love!

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